
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Uniblue LocalCooling 2.0

Local Cooling allows you to fight global warming from your desktop! Local Cooling automatically optimizes your PC's power consumption by using a more effective power save mode.

You will be able to see your savings in real-time translated to more environmental terms such as how many trees and gallons of oil you have saved.

An easy-to-use interface allows users to change their default power settings, meaning savings on electricity bills for the users, and a reduction in the amount of Greenhouse Gas that results from powering a computer.

LocalCooling will:
· Cut your energy bills
· Reduce the amount of greenhouse gas CO2 emissions as a result of your reduced PC power consumption
· Give you full control over your power mode settings
· Improve your overall efficiency and computing experience
· Show you, in detail, how much you have saved since installing the software

Download Link:
- Uniblue LocalCooling 2.0

1 comment:

  1. @Mike

    thanks for your advice Mike... I will search it and post into my post...thank you for visit my blog...


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