
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Anime Aki Sora

Genre: Adult, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Seinen, Smut

Aki Sora revolves around Aki Aoi and Sora Aoi, a pair of close siblings who have shared an intimate bond since childhood. During their coming of age, they each come to realize the true depth of the love they feel for each other and consummate that love in secret. They keep their younger sister, Nami, Sora’s twin in the dark about their new relationship. Nami, clueless of what is happening in her household aims to set her brother up with her best friend, Kana Sumiya. Despite these relationships Nami seems to have feelings for someone near to her too but keeps them secret.

Director: Takahashi Takeo ("Spice and Wolf")
Character Design: Kuroda Kazuya ("Spice and Wolf", "15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki")
Scenario: Hanada Jukki ("Rozen Maiden", "Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo")

Aoi Sora: Kinoshita Sayaka
Aoi Nami: Ueda Kana
Aoi Aki: Kawaragi Shiho

Download Link:
- http://www.maknyos.com/dm48gxi7ks2s/Aki_Sora_OVA-maknyos.com.rar.html


  1. cuman 1 episode ya sob??

  2. @Anonymous

    iya sob cuman 1...ntar kalo ketemu episode lainnya akan segera di update...


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