
Friday, October 28, 2011

The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Director: Roland Emmerich
Writers: Roland Emmerich (story), Roland Emmerich (screenplay)
Stars: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal and Emmy Rossum
Genres: Action | Adventure | Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English | Japanese | French | Arabic | Spanish
Release Date: 26 May 2004 (Indonesia)
Also Known As: El día después de mañana
Runtime: 124 min

As Paleoclimatologist named Jack Hall was in Antartica, he discovers that a huge ice sheet has been sheared off. But what he did not know is that this event would trigger a massive climate shift that would effect the world population. Meanwhile, his son, Sam was with friends in New York to attend an event. There they discover that it has been raining non-stop for the past 3 weeks, and after a series of weather related disasters that occurred over the world. Everybody soon realizes that the world is going to enter a new ice age, as the rest of the world population tries to evacuate to the warm climates of the south. Jack makes a daring attempt to rescue his son and his friends who are stuck in New York, who have to survive not only a massive wave, but freezing cold temperatures that could possibly kill them.

Download Link:
- The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Part 1
- The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Part 2
- The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Part 3
- The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Part 4

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