
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000)

Director: Bill Bannerman
Writers: Kevin DiCicco (character "Air Bud"), Mick Whiting
Stars: Kevin Zegers, Dale Midkiff and David Glyn-Jones
Genres: Comedy | Drama | Family | Sport
Country: USA | Canada
Language: English
Release Date: 29 June 2001 (Spain)
Also Known As: Air Bud 3 - Ein Hund für alle Bälle
Runtime: 83 min

The third in the series of Air Bud films stars Buddy, the basketball- and football-playing golden retriever. His owner, Josh (Kevin Zegers), falls in love with soccer teammate Emma (Brittany Paige Bouck), and Buddy has similar feelings for Emma's dog. Soon Buddy takes on two new roles: soccer player and father. But while Josh, Emma and Buddy head for the state playoffs, a nefarious gang of puppy-nappers has designs on Bud's little ones.

Download Link:
- Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000) Part 1
- Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000) Part 2
- Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000) Part 3
- Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000) Part 4
- Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000) Part 5
- Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000) Part 6

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