
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Real Desktop 1.67

Real Desktop - a program to change the look of the desktop Windows, transforming it into 3-dimensional surface. Real Desktop will breathe new life into your desktop and turn it into a true real desktop. Enjoy a naturalness graphics and incredible dynamics and sound. The program uses DirectX, has a physics engine, but the speed of your computer is not strongly affected. After installation just click on the tag - and you have a 3D desktop! Disabled in the same way.

It is worth noting that Real Desktop does not affect the position of icons on the native desktop. Deserves special attention allocation system icons. This is not just a rectangular frame by clicking the left mouse button, you can draw any non-convex shape, and select only the desired icon. Also, icons can be moved, to reduce, increase, drop and rotate with the mouse.

System Requirement:
Operating system: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Released: 2011
Version: 1.67
Language: Multilanguage

Software ini untuk membuat layar desktop kita menjadi 3D seperti pada gambar. Bisa juga di ganti model lain dengan cara mengganti di bagian control.

Download Link:
- Real Desktop 1.67

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