
Saturday, December 3, 2011

A-PDF Rename v3.9.0 + Serial

A-PDF Rename is an utility program that lets you batch rename multiple PDF document based on content, metadata and file attributes(Size, Datetime) within PDF files. You can batch change or update multiple PDF files metadata (title, creator, producer, author, subject and keywords) as well as.

Rename using metadata(properties)
A-PDF Rename can use PDF files' metadata to change the PDF file name, include Title, Author, Subject, Keyword, Creator, Producer even file size.

Rename using content
A-PDF Rename can picked up a piece of text inside PDF file to name the file. For example, you have a lot of invoice file, it can search the invoice number using the preset rule, then use the number as part of file name or metadata(Title, Author, Creator, Producer, Subject and Keyword).

Batch change/update metadata
PDF Metadata(known as properties, meta tags) include Title, Author, Subject, Keyword and more. A-PDF Name can update metadata of PDF file as changing name. You can pass file name or part to metadata. It is very useful for Sony Reader which read metadata firstly, instead of file name.

Download Link:
- A-PDF Rename v3.9.0 + Serial

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