
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

BreezeBrowser Pro + Keygen

It’s a compact and robust downloadable software program that uses a “browser” style interface to present and organize digital images, convert raw images, generate web pages, link geo-tagged images with online maps, produce proofs and contact sheets. BreezeBrowser Pro handles most major digital image formats.

* Convert, resize, sharpen and level raw images from Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus, Sony, Fuji and Minolta cameras
* Select images for presentation
* Generate attractive, captioned web pages with watermarking and online ordering (optional)
* Produce contact sheets and proofs (print straight to your printer or print to file)
* Batch rename images and managing folders
* Caption and edit comments and XMP IPTC data including IPTC subject codes and scenes
* Quickly assess large numbers of images and more…

Download Link:
- BreezeBrowser Pro + Keygen

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