
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Farm Craft 2: Global Vegetable Crisis + Crack

The story of Farm Craft continues... anyone who played the first Farm Craft will remember that our heroine, Ginger, defeated Agronovich and took over the Agronovich Corporation. Ginger’s company, aptly called the Tomato Corporation, owns and works with a vast network of farms and food suppliers making quality, healthy food. Her trusty shovel hangs on the wall as a memento to her great work in past. And although she longs be back on the farm, Ginger’s a successful businesswoman and her most important tool these days is her cell phone. During a trip back to her farm to visit to her grandparents, Ginger stumbles upon people making suspicious experimental fruits and vegetables in her village. The plot thickens with international intrigue and the global vegetable crisis. There’s not a minute to lose as this charming farming game has gone global. It’s up to Ginger to save the world.

Bahasa Indonesia
Game ini tugas kita adalah membangun tanaman dan tumbuh-tumbuhan untuk menjadikan bumi ini terhindar dari Global Warming. Semakin banyak akan lebih baik. Bisa anda lakukan? Jika bisa, bersiaplah untuk memainkannya.

System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP , Vista/7
Processor speed: Pentium III, 800 MHz
Graphics Card: 16 MB
Sound Card: onboard / soundblaster
Direct X version: 8+
Disk Space: 162 MB


Download Link:
- Farm Craft 2: Global Vegetable Crisis + Crack


  1. klo cuman crack nya gak ada ??

    1. cracknya sudah ada di dalam gan.. kalo misalnya cuman crack aja, maaf saya memang menyediakan untuk langsung di dalamnya. Apabila ingin sendiri-sendiri, saya nantinya akan di buat gabung + terpisah. Terima kasih gan atas commentnya...


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Terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog ini... Thank You!! ^^