
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Satan's Little Helper (2004)

Director: Jeff Lieberman
Writer: Jeff Lieberman
Stars: Alexander Brickel, Katheryn Winnick and Stephen Graham
Genres: Comedy | Horror
Country: USA
Language: English
Also Known As: Au service de Satan
Runtime: USA: 96 min | 100 min (Tribeca Film Festival)

During Halloween, theater student Jenna Whooly returns to Bell Island to spend the holiday with her family and her boyfriend Alex Martin, a classmate of hers who was also raised on the island. Her younger brother Douglas "Dougie" Whooly is very attached to Jenna and is fascinated with the video game "Satan's Little Helper," and he becomes jealous with the presence of Alex. He leaves home wearing his costume of Satan's little helper, seeking Satan himself on the streets so he can ask him to kill Alex. Dougie meets a serial killer who, coincidently, is wearing a costume of Satan and decides to help him. He brings the insane murderer home, and Jenna and her mother Merrill Whooly believe that the masked killer is Alex acting like Satan to please Dougie. Later, the boy walks with the maniac along the streets, helping him to terrorize the locals.

Download Link:
- Satan's Little Helper (2004) Part 1
- Satan's Little Helper (2004) Part 2
- Satan's Little Helper (2004) Part 3
- Satan's Little Helper (2004) Part 4
- Satan's Little Helper (2004) Part 5
- Satan's Little Helper (2004) Part 6


  1. saya kurang paham dengan artikelnya,cz saya masih bingung dalam bahsa inggirs
    tertapi saya yakin itu adalah nice artikel

    1. iya gan.. penjelasannya ambil dari imdb biar tidak salah kasi informasi.. cuman cerita kyk pembunuhan gitu ni gan film nya...
      selamat nonton dan silahkan berkunjung kembali ya gan... terima kasih..


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