
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

USB Safely Remove + Serial

Tired of Safely Remove Hardware? Believe that things should be simple and intuitive? USB Safely Remove is a utility for effortless and speedy disconnection of any removable devices. Not only does it save time, but it ensures that all data remains on a device when it is unplugged. Hiding any device from stop menu. Real device names + renaming. Keyboard shortcuts for easy device stopping.

What makes USB Safely Remove better than Safely Remove Hardware?
Guaranteed safe removal with just one-click
Programs autorun on device plugging/unplugging
Forced device stop
Why do I need USB Safely Remove?
Your data will never be lost when using it.
A device will never be stopped accidentally, because USB Safely Remove assigns the correct device names. It can also hide any device that will never need to be stopped.
It saves time, because a device can be stopped in one click. This avoids the uncertainty of guessing the reason why a device cannot be stopped.

Download Link:
- USB Safely Remove + Serial

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