
Friday, February 24, 2012

Ghost Train (2006)

Director: Takeshi Furusawa
Writers: Takeshi Furusawa, Erika Tanaka
Stars: Erika Sawajiri, Chinatsu Wakatsuki and Shun Oguri
Genres: Horror
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Release Date: 27 July 2006 (South Korea)
Also Known As: GOtoshimono
Runtime: USA: 92 min | Hong Kong: 93 min
Subtitle: Malaysia (Hard Sub)

On her way to school, high school girl Nana sees a train accident. Then Nana and her friend Kanae start to come across various bizarre phenomena, including red fingerprints and a female spirit who 'lives' on the station platform. One day, Nana's younger sister is lost, and the only possibility seems to be that she had been taken by these spirits. The missing tracks. The predictions that a mysterious woman makes.

Download Link:
- Ghost Train (2006) Part 1
- Ghost Train (2006) Part 2
- Ghost Train (2006) Part 3
- Ghost Train (2006) Part 4
- Ghost Train (2006) Part 5


  1. thx a lot brother.....:)
    ini dyaa film yg kucari2.....:)
    akhirny dpt jg......:) (tp blm siap DL ^_^a)

    semoga makin sukses n maju yaa brother...:)
    Ciayou!!! \^o^/ Ganbatte.....:)

    oyaaa... ada mau request lg ne....^_^a
    jgn mrah yaa brother.....^_^a
    mau request album2 laguny Michael Kuang Liang.....^_^a
    bs g yaaa...? :p

    1. bisa dong... ni aku lg upload michael kuang kok... emg lagi upload2 album2 chinese....
      ok2 terima kasih ya brother... di tunggu komen selanjutnya ^^
      lmyn serem ni filmnya...

    2. dirimu br nonton yaaa...? :)

    3. uda pernah nonton gan... dulu punya DVD nya... hehehe...
      bagus kok film nya.... tp td sempet nonton lg.. hehehe

    4. gan, msh ada DVDny dirimu...? msh bgus...?

    5. masih ada gan... tp di SBY DVD nya.... hehehehe


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