
Friday, February 10, 2012

PGWare SuperRam + Keygen

SuperRam is a program that will allow you to optimally maintain and manage your system's memory. SuperRam makes no modifications to your hardware and all adjustments and settings are done in an easy to use interface that even a child could use. Most 'other' Ram/memory modifiers promise that they work while you notice no difference at all in performance. SuperRam on the other hand has been tried and tested and proven to work.

Are you tired of program crashes or low memory warnings? Or you notice your computer performance slowly degrades after a period of time? SuperRam not only fixes these problems from occurring it also enhances your computers performance.

Keep Windows running longer by using SuperRam. No longer do you have to reboot your computer due to low memory warnings, you choose the amount of memory your computer maintains and SuperRam releases wasted memory and returns it back to you. SuperRam will super-charge your computer`s memory.


• Optimizes computer memory by freeing wasted memory back to the computer.
• Works in the background to free memory to reasonable values to maintain system stability.
• Visual representation in system tray which displays computer memory available to the system.
• Fully customizable to the settings and preferences you choose.
• Easy and intuitive user interface which performs memory optimization in real-time.

Download Link:
- PGWare SuperRam + Keygen

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