
Friday, February 3, 2012

Platinum Hide IP + Patch

Platinum Hide IP - a new build tool known to hide your IP address. The package automatically sets up a working proxy server, and select it for use on your computer. Important positive quality - the minimum size and very friendly management.

Main features of Platinum Hide IP:

-- Protects from any site that tries to "monitor" of your preferences or follow you on a unique IP address
-- Helps to avoid the use of your personal information to send spam, and other debris
-- Protects against hackers by hiding IP addresses, as well as information about the operating system
-- Ability to frequently change IP addresses increases security
-- Enable and disable Hide IP as you wish in one click
-- Allows you to bypass the restriction of the owners of some of the resources on users from certain countries or geographical regions
-- Used with the mail-service to send anonymous emails.

Download Link:
- Platinum Hide IP + Patch

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