
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Personal Knowbase 3.2.4 + Keygen

Personal Knowbase is a program for organizing free-form information using keywords. Build a personal knowledge base of all your notes, messages, and ideas. Store and index your information in one place for easy retrieval using keywords that you choose. The attachment feature even associates disk files and Internet addresses with your notes, so you can access any computerized information using the same set of keywords.

• Reduce paper clutter.
• Save hard disk space by consolidating small text files.
• Gather related information together.
• Find your information easily.
• Protect your private information with passwords.
• Cross-reference your notes with hypertext links.
Why use keywords?

Personal Knowbase Is a Unique Free-form Note Organizer Using Keywords.

It's the perfect software for organizing research notes, e-mail archives, tickler files, and more. Index your notes, messages, and ideas using keywords for fast access.

• Clean, intuitive interface
• No limits on number or size of notes
• No unmanageable data trees
• Index on keywords that you choose
• Password protect your private information
• Carry it with you on a USB drive

Indexing with keywords sets Personal Knowbase apart from other free-form database software. Remember, it doesn't matter how easily you can store information if you can't find it.

Software that provides only string searches isn't enough. Even a complete text search on any variation of “motherhood” won't locate a great quote like “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” And with larger databases, searches often find many irrelevant results. Using keywords, you can find information easily by association.

Software that categorizes your notes into categories isn't enough. Does a note on books about national parks go under the Books category or the Travel category? The answer is both! Using keywords, you can cross reference your notes with as many keywords as you need.

Download Link:
- Personal Knowbase 3.2.4 + Keygen

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